No Guarantees, No Buses

I don’t know what will happen tomorrow,

I don’t know if someone amazing will cross my path,

Or the proverbial bus takes me out, instead.

There are no guarantees; life is a crazy ride,

A moving surprise. Yet despite the fear of this,

Despite a strong desire to give up and lie down,

I’m beginning, after all these years,

To lean into it more and more,

I feel it in my chest, a bubbling laughter that’s

Finding its way out, and it’s there more and more.

Somehow it means being

Open to amazing people and avoiding buses,

Doing things that used to scare me,

And wondering if you can surprise me

And make me glad we are

Both alive in this place, in this time,

To laugh and feast on life and love forever.

Well, can you? Surprise me?

Let’s dance.

7 Replies to “No Guarantees, No Buses”

  1. Let the laughter bubble up and out loud and proud. Keep smiling, dancing, and writing…. I’ve missed your words that sing to me so pleasantly. Wishing you well!


    1. Thank you, Kelly. I’ve been fine. Just hit a dry patch, is all. I’ve been doing this long enough to know it happens, and just ride it out. I feel like a dog, sometimes. Something will catch my nose coming in on a breeze, and I’m back on the hunt. 🙂


      1. It happens, don’t force it and it’ll be alright, and laugh and dance while you wait for the next scent to roll in to chase.


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Errant Satiety

seeking sublime surrender


“The lyfe so short, the craft so long to lerne." --Chaucer


I dream so I write ..


In happiness my words I lack, in grief they overflow.

The Wild Heart of Life

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