
It’s just a number: 1,000. But it is fellow-bloggers and for that reason is especially nice. Thank you all.

My path has taken a couple of side trails, and I’ve dialed back on poetry lately because I’m researching another book, and that’s taking up a lot of time. I don’t have a working title yet, and am still letting the research guide the setting and plot a little, but I know the general outlines.

It is in the “cli-fi” genre, set 50-100 years in the future and will be a character-based story about the world after the first big “impacts” of climate change have hit. After some cities have flooded from rising sea levels, other places are too hot to live in and grow crops most years, and other places are hit with monster storms or torrential rains and winds. I’m probably going to give New Orleans a starring role, since I have fallen in love with her and she’s going to be one of the early casualties as things now stand.

It’s a big story, and I’m basically going back to school. I’m learning that what is coming is both much worse than I thought, but also that the future is not totally hopeless. It’s a tossup now whether our grandchildren will spit on our graves or not.

I’m hoping this project doesn’t swamp me. (Pun intended)

My poetry book is still for sale, of course. 🙂 ( ) and a second manuscript is making the rounds of some small presses.

Thanks again to all of you, and all the best as you live this crazy writer’s life with me. Here’s to your stories adding to the world.

6 Replies to “Milestone”

  1. Doug-
    C’000’ngratulations – more of a mountain – less of a stone😘
    I wish you great luck venturing forth on your newest book journey
    I do hope for the sake of our kiddies and their kiddies – they can enjoy the world (well, most of it 😉 as we have)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I hope so, too, but as long as we live in denial, we delay doing the things that will help. Some effects are already too late to reverse, though. Asia is going to have the worst of it. The research I’ve been doing is pretty depressing. But I want to do what I can.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. dang Doug
        now I’m really depressed
        that’s it I’m taking up drinking
        what the hell – I’ll go out – while I’m out 😘
        you’re a good man on a noble quest
        I wish you green (and not too warm) trails ahead


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Errant Satiety

seeking sublime surrender


“The lyfe so short, the craft so long to lerne." --Chaucer


I dream so I write ..


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